Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sleeping In?

Don't you hate when you get to bed early thinking your going to awake full of energy. So you hit the pillow around 10ish and thinking about waking up 9ish. That's a good night sleep if you ask me, 12 hours to enter the dream world and have a little fun. Nope sorry, I didn't mean to wake you but your going to be tired still. You stay up till 4am and wake up at 8am and you feel the same. I don't really understand it. What have I been doing you ask? Nothing - sitting around and doing nothing.

I have decided that you can't really get enough sleep to keep your energy up, but naps do! How crazy is that? Sleep for 12 hours and feel tired, or you take a kitty-nap for 15min and bam, your fully awake. How crazy. But if I had the choice, I would sleep all day. Yeah, thats the life, sleeping. If I could, I would trust me, and if you wanted to see me, well, you can meet me in the dream world. It's getting late though, 12:38 really, I need to have some energy tomorrow. Jokingly of course.

"I'll let you be in my Dreams, If I can be in yours." ~ Bob Dylan

See you in a few hours.

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