Isn't is weird how the truth is so illusive? Like in a situation, you know the truth and you want to say it but the truth is so cunning, it can somehow stay in the back of your mind. So you sit around pretending nothing is wrong, and even sometimes right. But in most cases, the truth hurts and can make for awkward situations, even though the truth is so quietly spoken. Soft words make the ears bleed I like to say. It's like a deadly toxin, invisible to the eye, seeping into your skin and down your lungs. Leaving you gasping for words to say next.
But yet, here, I sit, a liar. sitting here in all my disgust of my doings. Equal with everyone else in the world, begging for truth but afraid to let it ring. It's a problem I face all the time, truth and lies. Everyone and everything lies, news, friends, family, the list can go on forever. Some people like to say "It's for safety reasons." Is it really? Who is to say?
Words are like a bottle of toothpaste. You can squeeze all the tooth paste you want out, but once its out, it can only be used or washed away. It can never be put back into the bottle and sealed. Like the mind being the bottle of toothpaste, and your words like the fresh minty blue/white gel or paste. Once said, it's out there for good, never to return to the mind. Just like everything who read this will forever know what I wrote and can use my words against me, at any given time.
They say if you could hear everything that has ever happened in history and you stood on the closest star to earth (besides the sun) Alpha Centauri. You could hear pirates taking over a British ship by force, cannons and all. Crazy how noise and words continue on in space. But thats only a reminder to be careful of what you say.
Remember to brush and stay fresh kids! ~Paul

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