Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have either been at work, taking peoples orders and mopping the floor. Or I have been out trying to have an average life. Although, with the worlds chaos trying to search me out of my hiding place. I have still found peace in my music and I always will. It might be playing or listening, either way, my soul is at rest.

Recently, I have grown out of my somewhat normal life and gone into the work force. To supply myself with random activity's and my random eating habits. Fueling my childish needs for material items. Saving up for my trip in Sweden soon.
This is not counting my home life, with school and family. Then staying updated with friends, it can be hard sometimes. Lately I have also made tons of new friends and reunited with some old ones. In this amazing collision, I have lost touch in some close friends. Not in a bad of course, but, none-the-less, I still have.

Today, I spent the day to myself, I have been drinking tea all day, with the television off and my music on. I spend most of my time on my floor thinking, while looking out my window at the pond. Although, today it was raining so that was very pleasing to me. My room being the wreck it was always meant to be, I sit, in silence. With clothes piled high, my guitar case next to me as I use it as a mini desk. So I can set my hot tea, pen, paper, book of quotes, and computer on it. My guitar in my lap, I play on and off laying on the ground watching the fan spin with my mind.

After about two hours of that, I ran into a song I have always knew about but never seriously took a look at. The song is called "Bella Donna" by "The Avett Brothers." Such a amazing song, with vocals that linger and guitar riffs that chill to the bones. I believe he speaks of a girl he knows, not named Bella, but Donna. That he had very close connections with and lost in time. I think he liked he but she never took the time to look into him. Although, he tired his best to get her attention.
Bella is short for Isabella, meaning Beautiful. So you could just say Beautiful Donna. I'm not too sure what to say about the lyrics and names, but I do know their is a soul in this song. So I challenge you to go around your house and turn off everything that makes noise and turn up your computer and listen. If your home with family and they are watching tv, then maybe just shut your door or pop in headphones. But do not check your facebook, cell phone, answer that text, respond to mother or father pause the song in any way. But to keep your eyes shut and pay attention for once.



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