I always enjoy my time spent here because I grew up so its like reliving childhood again. Although Rachel has a new cat, that goes by many names, like TimTim, Timmy, Devil Cat, Monster, and Timothy. So my eyes water and nose full of snot, I still love my time here. Even though the thought of Devil Cat makes my lungs shrink to half their size, for I am allergic and my brain says get away, I still enjoy watching TimTim cause chaos to the grapes on the kitchen table. As weird as it sounds, I always pictured myself as a cat, if I wasn't human that is, being lazy all day, making trouble, and eating till I am a fat happy cat.
Because this house is filled with 8 to 9 people at a time, everyone sleeps in different rooms they are not used to, because I am staying in Aarons room. The only room in the house without windows, leaving the room pitch dark when the moon drifts in the sky. Setting the alarm clock to cast a very small red light to help me see. It's very creepy sometimes not being able to see, not knowing if you eyes are even shut. But it makes a good room to loose track of time, not knowing when the sun is out and dancing in his jazz shoes. I have the best dreams in that room, so lucid and crazy. Kind of like Inception.

Anywho, I have gotten to see many friends that I enjoy spending time with. I went with Rachel on her class trip to a lakehouse. It was pretty awesome, I did the normal lake things such as wake boarding, Tubing, jumping off high things into the water. Of course soaking up the rays with good laughs. Although, it reminded me how old I was because I was the oldest there, besides parents of course.
It just reminds me that I am getting old, but to still have a good time. Thats all I ever want to have in life, a good life, a good time, a good family, a good home, good friends. Some say that is wishful thinking, I wouldn't say that, I would say it is keeping the mind clear. For my mind is on board for an fantastic adventure known as life, and I expect no more and no less than what is in front of me!

Have a heart of a child, a mind of the old, and a love like no other.
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